I am attempting an install on RedHat Enterprise Linux 4. First, I have attempted to uninstall all SNMP/net-snmp stuff from the system as I was having problems with NetSNMP/default_store trying to load libnetsnmp.so.5 rather than libnetsnmp.so.10 plus a few other problems. I did an rpm -e to remove the packages from the system, plus I renamed all the NetSNMP folders in /usr/lib/perl5 to NetSNMP.old and I have installed perl 5.8.8 as perl 5.8.5 was installed by default.
I then installed net-snmp-5.3.1 with the following:
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared=yes --enable-static=no --with-perl-modules [EMAIL PROTECTED] --with-default-snmp-version=3 --with-sys-location="East Computer RM" --with-sys-description="GCX monitoring" --with-logfile=/var/log/snmpd.log --with-persistent-directory=/var/net-snmp
make test     <---- apparently this doesn't test the perl stuff
make install
cd perl/SNMP     <---- tests in perl before SNMP seem to work O.K. so I've cut to the chase
make test
here's the output:
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, '../blib/lib', '../blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/async.......ok 1/20# Failed test 3 in t/async.t at line 56                
#  t/async.t line 56 is:     ok(defined($vlist));
Can't call method "tag" on an undefined value at t/async.t line 57.
        Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 3-20
        Failed 18/20 tests, 10.00% okay
t/bulkwalk....ok 1/62# Failed test 2 in t/bulkwalk.t at line 52             
#  t/bulkwalk.t line 52 is: ok($s1->{ErrorNum} == 0);
# Failed test 3 in t/bulkwalk.t at line 56
#  t/bulkwalk.t line 56 is: ok(scalar @list == $expect);
Not an ARRAY reference at t/bulkwalk.t line 57.
        Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-62
        Failed 61/62 tests, 1.61% okay
t/get.........ok 1/17# Failed test 2 in t/get.t at line 87                  
#  t/get.t line 87 is: ok(!$s1->{ErrorStr} and defined($ret[0]));
# Failed test 3 in t/get.t at line 91
#  t/get.t line 91 is: ok($#ret == $#{$vars});
t/get.........NOK 3# Failed test 4 in t/get.t at line 98                    
#  t/get.t line 98 is: ok( defined($contact));
t/get.........NOK 4# Failed test 5 in t/get.t at line 103                   
#  t/get.t line 103 is: ok( defined($name));
t/get.........NOK 5# Failed test 6 in t/get.t at line 108                   
#  t/get.t line 108 is: ok( defined($location));
t/get.........NOK 6# Failed test 7 in t/get.t at line 115                   
#  t/get.t line 115 is: ok( defined($ttl));
t/get.........NOK 7# Failed test 8 in t/get.t at line 122                   
#  t/get.t line 122 is: ok( defined($time));
t/get.........NOK 8# Failed test 9 in t/get.t at line 129                   
#  t/get.t line 129 is: ok( defined($totalDatagramsReceived));
t/get.........NOK 9# Failed test 10 in t/get.t at line 136                  
#  t/get.t line 136 is: ok( defined($physaddr));
t/get.........NOK 10# Failed test 11 in t/get.t at line 143                 
#  t/get.t line 143 is: ok( defined($ipaddr));
t/get.........NOK 11# Failed test 12 in t/get.t at line 150                 
#  t/get.t line 150 is: ok( defined($trapOID));
t/get.........NOK 12# Failed test 13 in t/get.t at line 177                 
#  t/get.t line 177 is: ok(defined($time));
t/get.........NOK 13# Failed test 14 in t/get.t at line 189                 
#  t/get.t line 189 is: ok(defined($oid));
t/get.........NOK 14# Failed test 15 in t/get.t at line 195                 
#  t/get.t line 195 is: ok(defined($descr));
t/get.........NOK 15# Failed test 16 in t/get.t at line 201                 
#  t/get.t line 201 is: ok(defined($ifname));
t/get.........FAILED tests 2-16                                             
        Failed 15/17 tests, 11.76% okay
t/getnext.....ok 1/9# Failed test 2 in t/getnext.t at line 53               
#  t/getnext.t line 53 is: ok($s1->{ErrorStr} eq '');
t/getnext.....NOK 2# Failed test 3 in t/getnext.t at line 62                
#  t/getnext.t line 62 is: ok($s1->{ErrorStr} eq '');
t/getnext.....ok 4/9# Failed test 5 in t/getnext.t at line 87               
#  t/getnext.t line 87 is: ok((not $s1->{ErrorStr} and not $s1->{ErrorInd}));
# Failed test 6 in t/getnext.t at line 88
#  t/getnext.t line 88 is: ok((defined $var->iid and $var->iid eq 0));
# Failed test 7 in t/getnext.t at line 89
t/getnext.....NOK 5#  t/getnext.t line 89 is: ok((defined $var->val and $var->val eq $res2));
t/getnext.....NOK 7# Failed test 8 in t/getnext.t at line 95                
#  t/getnext.t line 95 is: ok((defined $var->tag and $var->tag eq 'sysObjectID'));
# Failed test 9 in t/getnext.t at line 96
#  t/getnext.t line 96 is: ok((defined $var->val and $var->val eq $res3));
t/getnext.....FAILED tests 2-3, 5-9                                         
        Failed 7/9 tests, 22.22% okay
t/set.........ok 1/7Use of uninitialized value in string ne at t/set.t line 86.
Use of uninitialized value in string ne at t/set.t line 86.
# Failed test 2 in t/set.t at line 86
#  t/set.t line 86 is: ok($originalLocation ne $finalvalue);
t/set.........NOK 2Use of uninitialized value in string eq at t/set.t line 119.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at t/set.t line 119.
t/set.........ok 3/7Use of uninitialized value in string ne at t/set.t line 136.
t/set.........ok 5/7netsnmp_assert pss->s_snmp_errno != (-11) failed snmp_api.c:3124 snmp_build()
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at t/set.t line 205.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at t/set.t line 205.
t/set.........FAILED test 2                                                 
        Failed 1/7 tests, 85.71% okay
Failed Test  Stat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
t/async.t     255 65280    20   35  3-20
t/bulkwalk.t  255 65280    62  120  2-62
t/get.t                    17   15  2-16
t/getnext.t                 9    7  2-3 5-9
t/set.t                     7    1  2
Failed 5/10 test scripts. 102/175 subtests failed.
Files=10, Tests=175, 225 wallclock secs ( 2.55 cusr +  0.36 csys =  2.91 CPU)
Failed 5/10 test programs. 102/175 subtests failed.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
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