On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Dave Shield wrote:

> On 28/01/2008, Manfred Wassmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The current design is that there is one OID where I can query the current
>> version of a device and a second OID where I can set a Version to be
>> updated.
> something like:
>    versionCurrent   OBJECT-TYPE
>          MAX-ACCESS   read-only
>          DESCRIPTION  "The current version of the device"
>             :
>     versionToUpdate   OBJECT-TYPE
>            MAX-ACCESS  read-write
>            DESCRIPTION
>  "Setting the value of this object will (automatically?) trigger the
>   updating of the device to the specified version.   Reading this
>   object will return {WHAT?}.  {How to indicate errors}."


> Note that it's probably worth including information in the
> DESCRIPTION clause about what the result of reading the
> second "write-only" object should be.   Also, perhaps mention
> how this mechanism will indicate problems - e.g. specifying
> a version to upload that is not valid, or is unavailable, or if the
> upload fails for some reason.

OK, I think it should return the value last set or a string of four
zero and invali(1) for then versionNumber and versionState

For the error checking I recognized that the set command also returns
the value being set. So in case of an error I would set the
versionNumber to zeroes and the versionState to invalid and return
that value. The manager would be responsible to check if a version is
available so the agent just has to make a simple plausibility check (if
the major version is the same as the current major or, at least, not

If the version specified is not available when the update is performed the 
update will just fail. The manager can check for a failed update by 
checking the currentVersion OID.

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