I would think it is the agent, snmpd, who got the mibs loaded. If I executed
export MIBS=+AnotherMIB
and then start the agent, AnotherMIB should be loaded on top of the default 
set, but correct me if I'm wrong. 

So how to check if AnotherMIB is loaded or not, using either net-snmp-config or 
some way else?


Dave Shield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 01/02/2008, Jun Zhang  wrote:
> $ net-snmp-config --default-mibs

> Q1: Does this output suppose to include user added Mibs?
>    (through export MIBS=+AnotherMIB)

   net-snmp-config --default-mibs
will tell you which MIBs will be loaded "by default",
i.e. if you don't specify anything extra.

>    If not, what ways can I use to test whether AnotherMIB is
> loaded or not?

Loaded by what?

> Q2: Why each MIB has "Command not found" at the end?

I don't know.
Line 91 of this script is simply


It should just print out that list.
I don't know why it's trying to execute them as commands.

(Unless it's some wierd Windows-style incompatibility?)


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