

My problem is when add the server HP-UX 11.23 in the option the menu
Orion System Manager Version 7, when i make click in "add node"  , I
write de ip the my host HP-UX and the community  public (Option "Add
Node or Interface to Monitor") . Then i Only see the network interface,
but I can't  see the CPU and memory y filesystem option.  My problem is
only with the HP-UX.





Guillermo Bonilla C. 
Analista Senior Monitoreo de Redes, Aplicaciones y Servidores Gerencia
de Soporte al Usuario
Banco de Reservas

Oficina: 809.960.3314 | Flota:.809.604.1312


http://www.banreservas.com <http://www.banreservas.com/> 





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