I'm a student in computer engineering, and I prepare a SNMP project on Linux
(fedora Core 8). I successfully configured the snmpd and snmptrapd
daemon, but *when I launch the command snmptrapd -f -Le localhost:17000, it
happens that a waiting time begins, and after that, an error
message appeared to me: "no access configuration :dropping trap" (when I do
in another Konsole an snmpget query), please help me, I'm so stressed.*
*I give also to you my files /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf* and
Thanks a lot for your help.
# First, map the community name "public" into a "security name"

#       sec.name  source          community
com2sec local     localhost       public
com2sec reseau      public
com2sec reseau  public
com2sec reseau   public

createUser anis MD5 hedhliensi DES
createUser houda MD5 dekhilensi DES
createUser zouhour MD5 bennourensi DES

# Second, map the security name into a group name:
#       groupName      securityModel securityName
group   rwgroup        v1            local
group   rwgroup        v2c           local
group   rwgroup        usm           local
group   rogroup        v1            reseau
group   rogroup        v2c           reseau
group   rogroup        usm           reseau
group   admingroup     usm           anis
group   admingroup     usm           houda
group   admingroup     usm           zouhour

# Third, create a view for us to let the group have rights to:
# Make at least  snmpwalk -v 1 localhost -c public system fast again.
#         name          incl/excl      subtree           mask(optional)
view      VueNSysteme   excluded       .         
view      vueGlobale    included       .1                        

# Finally, grant the group read-only access to the systemview view.
#       group          context     sec.model     sec.level    prefix     read   
          write           notif
access  rogroup        ""          any           noauth       exact      
vueGlobale       none            none
access  rwgroup        ""          any           noauth       exact      
vueGlobale       VueNSysteme     none
access  admingroup     ""          any           auth         exact      
vueGlobale       vueGlobale      vueGlobale

syslocation Unknown (edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)
syscontact Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (configure /etc/snmp/snmp.local.conf)

pass . /usr/bin/ucd5820stat

proxy -m /etc/squid/mib.txt -v 1 -c public localhost:3401 .

######################## Trap SNMP########################

trapcommunity public
authtrapenable 1
trapsink localhost public 162
trap2sink localhost public 162
informsink localhost public 162
linkUpDownNotifications yes
# Example configuration file for snmptrapd
# No traps are handled by default, you must edit this file!
# authCommunity   log,execute,net public
# traphandle SNMPv2-MIB::coldStart    /usr/bin/bin/my_great_script cold

# traphandle 0 ls
# Format1 "%02.2h:%02.2j TRAP %w.%q from %B \n"

 #traphandle 0 ls

format2 %02.2l/%02.2m/%y %02.2h:%02.2j:%02.2k %W de %A\\n
disableAuthorization yes
donotLogtraps yes
doNotRetainNotificationLogs yes
traphandle default /root/Bureau/test 
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