Hello Everyone, 
During using the Net-SNMP, there is a problem about cloning a new snmpv3 user 
by SNMPv3 MIB. The problem is summarized as below. Please give me your hand if 
you have any good idea. Thanks!
I use SNMP interface (SNMPv3 MIB) to clone a v3 user through “net-snmp-config” 
and trigger a save request by setting the “versionSavePersistentData” object. 
Then, I use such new user to access the MIB tree, The result is failed and it 
can’t access any MIB objects. I stop the snmpd and check both two snmpd.conf 
(regular and persistent), I find that only the persist file was written, and 
there’s no any information of new user in regular file.
I try to add a rwuser line for that new user in regular snmpd.conf and re-run 
the snmpd again. The MIB objects can be accessed through the new user account.
Does anyone explain above issue? Is it the correct behavior of Net-SNMP? If we 
hope the Net-SNMP to handle the new user automatically for both of 
configuration files, how do we do? What are the corrected steps to clone a 
snmpv3 user by SNMP interface without adding any other configuration line?
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