On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 6:55 AM, Dave Shield <d.t.shi...@liverpool.ac.uk>wrote:

> 2009/2/5 Rodolfo Leffa <rodolfole...@gmail.com>:
> > is there a way to define multiples OID's in a single module extending the
> > agent??
> Yes.
> Most of the code under 'mibgroup' works this way.
> There are very few MIB modules that comprise just
> one single OID.
>   Have a look through this code, and see how it's
> currently done.


> > I'd like to deal with all requests to a subtree of my mib in a single
> > handler, but i don't know how to do it.
> Registering the root using 'netsnmp_register_handler()' does exactly
> this.   But it does mean that you have to deal with *everything* under
> the specified root yourself.  That can get quite complex.

I think I will take my chances! I'm already dealing with the request to get
the information I want from the devices managed, so i'll put some extra code
to recognize when a request is not part of my MIB.

> In most cases you are better off using one of the more specialised
> helpers (e.g. scalar, scalar_group or assorted table helpers).
> > Can I somehow defines a generic OID, like  1,3,6,1,4,1,32624,1,X,X,X,X,X,
> ??
> > Where 'X' could represent any number.
> That looks suspiciously like a MIB table.
> In which case, you should probably use one of the table helpers.
> What is the structure of the MIB you are trying to implement?
The MIB is all consisted of Integers and Strings and enums. Like This:

k3lDeviceCount OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      Integer32
            MAX-ACCESS        read-only
            STATUS        current
            DESCRIPTION    "Numero de placas ativas no sistema."
        ::= { KhompDataDeviceCount}

    k3lDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      INTEGER
            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
            STATUS          current
            DESCRIPTION    " Tipo de uma placa."
        ::= { KhompDataDeviceType }

    linkCount OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX          Integer32
            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
            STATUS          current
            DESCRIPTION      "Numero de links."
        ::= { KhompDataDeviceConfig 1 }

    channelCount OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX          Integer32
            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
               STATUS          current
            DESCRIPTION      "Numero de canais."
        ::= { KhompDataDeviceConfig 2 }

Sorry if i'm not responding your question right. I'm new to SNMP and
Net-SNMP and there's also the language problem(i'm brazilian). By the way,
this table helpers you mentioned, are the conf files for mib2c?? :P

> Dave

Thanks again, []s

Rodolfo Leffa de Oliveira
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