I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm fairly new to Linux, Nagios, and net-snmp.  I am looking for something that I can send SNMP traps to and it will e-mail me when it gets the trap.

I have net-snmp installed on my Fedora 9 box.  I understand that I need snmptrapd for what I'm looking to do.  I found the "traptoemail" script and put this line in my snmptrapd.conf file:

traphandle TRAPOID|default /usr/local/bin/traptoemail [-f FROM] [-s SMTPSERVER]b ADDRESSES

I'm just really confused on how to put it all together and make it actually work.

I have read a lot of the documentation and the wiki tutorials for snmptrapd, but I'm royally confused.  Does anyone have a guide for dummies or a step-by-step guide that I can follow?

Here is my snmptrapd.conf file:

#    Stuff I added

authCommunity log,execute,net public

traphandle TRAPOID|default /usr/local/bin/traptoemail [-f FROM] [-s SMTPSERVER]b ADDRESSES
#     FROM defaults to "root"
#     SMTPSERVER defaults to "localhost"

# snmptrapd.conf
#   - created by the snmpconf configuration program
# SECTION: Trap Handlers
#   Here we define what programs are run when a trap is
#   received by the trap receiver.

# traphandle: When traps are received, a program can be run.
#   When traps are received, the list of configured trap
#   handles is consulted and any configured program is run.
#   If no handler is found, any handler with "default" as the
#   traphandle type is run instead.  The information contained
#   in trap is passed to the program via standard input (see
#   the snmptrapd.conf manual page for details).
#   arguments: oid|"default" program args


# SECTION: Output formatting for traps received.
#   Output from snmptrapd is formatted according to the
#   rules defined by the formatting configuration directives.

# format1: How SNMPv1 traps are formatted.
#   See the snmptrapd.conf manual page for format string details.
#   arguments: formatstring


# format2: How SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 traps are formatted.
#   See the snmptrapd.conf manual page for format string details.
#   arguments: formatstring



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