> From: dave.shi...@googlemail.com 
> [mailto:dave.shi...@googlemail.com] On Behalf Of Dave Shield
> Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 12:41 AM

> 2009/4/16 Mike Ayers <mike_ay...@tvworks.com>:
> >        Wikipedia as a technical reference?!  Please...
> What's wrong with that?
> Sure - if I want a definitive answer, then I'll go to the RFCs.
> But if I want a quick overview to get me started (and something that
> I might actually understand!) , then Wikipedia is a 
> reasonable first call.

        As are web searches.  That's not the point.  Wikipedia is not a citable 
reference, if for no other reason than that the content is subject to change 
without notice, so what I read may not be the same thing you read.

        Also, while the RFCs are reasonably authoritative for SNMP, that is not 
the case for all protocols (*koff*source routing*KOFF*).  There are some, most 
notably SMTP, for which reading RFCs is generally considered counterproductive. 
 I prefer good secondary sources for technical material - for IP I look to 
Stevens vol 1:


        This touches, but does not elaborate on, the issue of fragmentation, at 
least for UDP (pg 148).  I'm overdue for a re-read, but the old rule of thumb 
to not rely on fragmentation to work is still sound advice.



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