After much tracking down I believe I narrowed the problem down to an  
assumption of contiguous indices in table_data.c.

Any getnext request on the last row of a column followed by a gap would  
produce nonsense.  This patch seems to fix the problem:

--- table_data.c.orig   Tue Oct  6 12:33:16 2009
+++ table_data.c        Tue Oct  6 12:36:22 2009
@@ -529,7 +529,9 @@
              if (!row) {
-                table_info->colnum++;
+                table_info->colnum =
+                    netsnmp_closest_column(table_info->colnum + 1,
+                    table_reg_info->valid_columns);
                  if (table_info->colnum <= table_reg_info->max_column) {
                      row = table->first_row;

On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 16:50:08 -0400, Aaron Young <>  

> I've experienced an issue with where my table has non-contiguous
> column ids, and both snmpwalk and snmptable seem to stop at the gap.
> i.e. (column ids 2,3,10)
> snmptable -v2c -Ci -c public localhost:1616 mxOtherTable
> SNMP table: MPATHIX-MIB::mxOtherTable
>   index           mxOtherIdentity mxOtherState mxOtherErrorMsg
>       1 Joe's Chicken and Waffles           ok               ?
>       2        Sal's donut shoppe           ok               ?
> If I use snmptable in GETNEXT or v1 mode it works fine.
> An snmpwalk on the table oid will also stop at the gap:
> snmpwalk -v2c -Ci -c public localhost:1616 mxOtherTable
> MPATHIX-MIB::mxOtherTable = No Such Object available on this agent at  
> this
> MPATHIX-MIB::mxOtherIdentity.1 = STRING: Joe's Chicken and Waffles
> MPATHIX-MIB::mxOtherIdentity.2 = STRING: Sal's donut shoppe
> MPATHIX-MIB::mxOtherState.1 = INTEGER: ok(1)
> MPATHIX-MIB::mxOtherState.2 = INTEGER: ok(1)
> This is in Solaris x86 built in 64-bit mode, communicating with snmpd
> through agentx
> Here's how I built my table:
>       static oid tableOid[] = { 1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 8276, 1, 2, 1, 6 };
>       int defaultState = 1;
>       std::string tableName = "mxOtherTable";
>       static netsnmp_table_data_set* table
>               = netsnmp_create_table_data_set( tableName.c_str() );
>       // disallow SET
>       table->allow_creation = 0;
>       // add index
>       netsnmp_table_dataset_add_index( table, ASN_INTEGER );
>       // add columns
>       // column #
>       // type
>       // writable
>       // default value
>       // default value len
>       netsnmp_table_set_multi_add_default_row( table,
>               2, ASN_OCTET_STR, 0, NULL, 0,
>               3, ASN_INTEGER, 0, &defaultState, sizeof( defaultState ),
>               20, ASN_OCTET_STR, 0, NULL, 0,
>               0 );
>       netsnmp_handler_registration* regInfo
>               = netsnmp_create_handler_registration
>                       ( tableName.c_str(), NULL,
>                       tableOid, OID_LENGTH(tableOid),
>                       HANDLER_CAN_RWRITE );
>       netsnmp_register_table_data_set( regInfo, table, NULL);
>       netsnmp_register_auto_data_table( table, NULL );
>       // add
>       netsnmp_table_row* newRow = netsnmp_create_table_data_row();
>       int index = 1;
>       netsnmp_table_row_add_index( newRow, ASN_INTEGER,
>               &index, sizeof( index ) );
>       std::string identity = "Joe's Chicken and Waffles";
>       netsnmp_set_row_column (newRow, 2, ASN_OCTET_STR,
>               identity.c_str(), identity.length() );
>       netsnmp_set_row_column (newRow, 3, ASN_INTEGER,
>               reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&defaultState), sizeof( 
> defaultState ) );
>       std::string errorMsg = "Waffle-lite";
>       netsnmp_set_row_column (newRow, 20, ASN_OCTET_STR,
>               errorMsg.c_str(), errorMsg.length() );
>       netsnmp_table_dataset_add_row( table, newRow );
>       // add
>       netsnmp_table_row* newRow2 = netsnmp_create_table_data_row();
>       index++;
>       netsnmp_table_row_add_index( newRow2, ASN_INTEGER,
>               &index, sizeof( index ) );
>       identity = "Sal's donut shoppe";
>       netsnmp_set_row_column (newRow2, 2, ASN_OCTET_STR,
>               identity.c_str(), identity.length() );
>       netsnmp_set_row_column (newRow2, 3, ASN_INTEGER,
>               reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&defaultState), sizeof( 
> defaultState ) );
>       errorMsg = "full of donuts";
>       netsnmp_set_row_column (newRow2, 20, ASN_OCTET_STR,
>               errorMsg.c_str(), errorMsg.length() );
>       netsnmp_table_dataset_add_row( table, newRow2 );
> Any ideas on what the problem may be?
> -Aaron
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