I am using Net-SNMP 5.4.2 on Windows XP and 2003 Server. We've not had any
problems with the agent, nor snmpwalk and some other utility commands.
However, what I recently found is that I'm unable to send a trap using the
snmptrap command. Regardless of what I put on the command-line, I get no
output to the screen--even if the command-line is invalid. I'm also watching
all outbound traffic using Wireshark, and no SNMP packets are ever sent.

Here is an example command which is working fine from my Linux systems, but
not from Windows:

snmptrap -v1 -ctestit <manager> <hostname> 0 0 111

Let me reinforce that I'm getting *no* output--not even the standard help
screen when you type any net-snmp command by itself.

Any clues here?  It looks like a very straightforward bug internal to this
one command to me.

Hal Rottenberg / h...@halr9000.com / halr9000.com
Microsoft MVP (PowerShell) / VMware vExpert
Co-Host, PowerScripting Podcast (http://powerscripting.net)

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