2010/2/9 Mike Ayers <mike_ay...@tvworks.com>:
>> Each time a tun falls and rises again, a new entry appears in the
>> if-MIB, and it even has the same description!
>        OK, that sounds *good* to me...

>        Not sure what the problem is.  PLease clarify.

What this sounds like to me, is a situation where the index
of the interface keeps changing, whenever the interface is
taken down and brought back up again.

Something like as follows:

   $ snmpwalk   ifName
   ifName.27 = "if0"
   # ifconfig if0 down
   # ifconfig if1 up
   $ snmpwalk  ifName
   ifName.39 = "if0"

In general, this has tended to occur with dial-up connections or tunnels,
where it's not always clear what constitutes a "different interface" (and
hence should have a different index), and when this is the continuation
of an existing interface (and hence the index should remain the same).

I've got a vague recollection of a suggestion that this behaviour should
be controlled by a configure option, but it's not immediately apparent
whether this was ever done.

The one thing that confuses me is that Luis seems to be seeing *both*
the old and new indexes.


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