> From: cornerbreeze [mailto:cornerbre...@163.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 7:37 PM

> I wrote a MIB by imitating the NET-SNMP-TUTORIAL-MIB. And here is my
> MIB:

>                 memoryUsage OBJECT-TYPE
>                         SYNTAX DisplayString
>                         MAX-ACCESS read-only
>                         STATUS current
>                         DESCRIPTION
>                                 "This attribute shall indicate the
> usage rate of Memory."
>                         ::= { tSetting  1 }
                              compare this...

>                 cpuUsage OBJECT-TYPE
>                         SYNTAX DisplayString
>                         MAX-ACCESS read-only
>                         STATUS current
>                         DESCRIPTION
>                                 "This attribute shall indicate the
> usage rate of CPU."
>                         ::= { tSetting  2 }

> #snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost TEST-MIB::memoryUsage.0
> and succeeded;
> when I inputed:
> #snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost TEST-MIB::cpuUsage.0
> it said:
> No Such Instance currently exists at this OID.
> then I modified my MIB as below(deleted the leaf memeryUsage ):

>                 cpuUsage OBJECT-TYPE
>                         SYNTAX DisplayString
>                         MAX-ACCESS read-only
>                         STATUS current
>                         DESCRIPTION
>                                 "This attribute shall indicate the
> usage rate of CPU."
>                         ::= { tSetting  1 }
                              with this...
> then I inputed:
> #snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost TEST-MIB::cpuUsage.0
> it succeed.

        Right.  Both times, TEST-MIB::tSetting.1.0 is there, but 
TEST-MIB::tSetting.2.0  is not.  Changing the MIB only changes the *name* of 
the object.  You must change the underlying code to provide the desired values.

> so, why did it fail before I deleted the "memoryUsage"?
> How to make the two leaves exist at the same MIB together?

        Provide an implementation for TEST-MIB::tSetting.2.0.



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