
I am trying to implement a table having two index values both being strings.
Could any one tell me how the getnext works especially when the indexes are 
string and that too in lexicographical order by example please ?

Lets say the row one indexed by mike and hello
Row 2 by amfi and chris 

Please feel free to take your own example. And I have two cases here, in the 
above example, Row 1's index starts with 'm' and Row 2's index starts with 'a', 
so does this work as I feel these are not lexicographically ordered or this 
should be other way around, amfi and chris as index for row1 and mike and hello 
for row2?

How about varying lengths? And how are string compared lexicographically for 
SNMP if they are the index for table ( you may please take singe index for 
briefing and later double index) 

And also someone explain about ip address being index and how it getnext works 
on this too ?

Really appreciate detailed answer..


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