vineet gehlot wrote: 
> i m presently working with net-snmp-5.5
> i insatlled it properly
> but while i was trying to install a perl-module present in its extracted
> folder ....i faced the afolowwing error......
> PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-I../blib/lib" "-I../blib/arch"
> 1..90
> Can't load '../blib/arch/auto/NetSNMP/default_store/'
> for module NetSNMP::default_store: cannot open shared
> object file: No such file or directory at

What exact steps did you perform to build net-snmp with the Perl modules and 
run the tests?
The recommended way is:

./configure --with-perl-modules ...
make test
make perltest
make install (as root)



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