Can anyone kindly help me on this issue?

I'm using Core13 for Zabbix 1.8.2, and trying snmptrap works on Zabbix.

However, every time snmptrapd gets a snmp notification, it aborts. With debug 
mode, it reports a buffer overflow detected. I've tried another Fedora core 13 
and a core 12, with net-snmp 5.5. On these three systems, snmptrapd behaves the 

Here is my snmptrapd.conf,

disableAuthorization yes
traphandle default mail -s trap

I triggered snmptrapd with,
snmptrap -Ci -v 2c -c public localhost "" "" int 500

Same result I got with my firewall snmp traps. Some other different scripts 
replaced in traphandle default, got the same. 

A small portion of debug info listed,

trace: run_shell_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 55:
run_shell_command: running /home/zabbix/bin/
trace: run_shell_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 56:
run:shell: running '/home/zabbix/bin/'
trace: netsnmp_ds_set_string(): default_store.c, 283:
netsnmp_ds_set_string: Setting LIB:15 = "/var/run/net-snmp/snmp-tmp-XXXXXX"
*** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/sbin/snmptrapd terminated
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ======== 



Hammer Lee


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