On 20 July 2010 13:43, Joan Landry <joan.lan...@overturenetworks.com> wrote:
> I am getting errors in the Lexicographic ordering tests in silvercreek
> using netsnmp-5.5
> Does anyone know if there is a fix for these bugs in netsnmp code?
> When I walk the tables - the ordering is correct - but if you specify
> the instance on a get-next where the instance in the request is
> Lexicographically greater than a row in the table the returned object is
> not correct.

Is this a general problem, or does it just affect the example that you
mention?   Because that particular test seems to be testing the
handling of 32-bit overflow.

> The request OID

Note that the subidentifier value 4294967295 equates to 0xffffffff
which is the maximum valid value for an individual subidentifier.
Incrementing this value (to identify the next row) on a 32-bit system
might easily wrap back to 0, rather than moving on to the next column.
   I suspect that this may well be what's happening here.

Of course, if you are seeing similar errors with other tests (that
don't involve such large subidentifiers), then that would indicate a
more serious problem!


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