On 6 August 2010 14:35, Nils Achtergarde <n.achterga...@media-net.de> wrote:
> Yeah, great. Parsing problem was the right hint. The entry made by the
> create-user command was:
> createUser nagios AuNg6ud4thaiK8EJ "MD5" AuNg6ud4thaiK8EJ DES
> But the algorithm has to be in front of the password:

Which version of the create-user command are you using?
   (Try 'net-snmp-config --version')

I've just run the same command with a fairly recent version (5.4.3)
and get the following:

   $ net-snmp-config --create-snmpv3-user -ro -x DES -a MD5
            -A "myauthpass" -X "myprivpass" nagios
   adding the following line to /var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf:
        createUser nagios MD5 "myauthpass" DES myprivpass

as expected.
It looks suspiciously as if your version of the config command
has got confused about the protocol/password values.


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