On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 5:45 PM, kavita raghunathan

>  Valgrind found no leaks. I left it over night. But top still reports that
> snmpd is leaking memory. I did do what he suggested. What I'm trying to say
> is, is there any known memory leaks with net-snmp 5.5 ? Has anyone else
> reported a problem ? Google does not show anyone reporting a problem, but
> maybe you all know of one. Should I be trying dmalloc ?

Hello Kavita,

Are you aware that Valgrind only prints a leak report when snmpd stops, not
while it is running ? After snmpd has been running for a whole night under
Valgrind, you should stop snmpd and capture the Valgrind output in a file.
Analysis of that output will tell whether or not there is a leak.

Note: Valgrind will report many "leaks" on snmpd. Not everything that
Valgrind reports is a bug though - Valgrind also complains when memory is
allocated at startup but not freed at exit. That is not the same as a memory
leak. Careful analysis of the Valgrind output is necessary before a
conclusion can be drawn.

Regarding known bugs in 5.5: please have a look at the Net-SNMP 5.6.pre3
ChangeLog. All bugs that have been fixed since version 3-0A1 are documented
in that file.

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