2010/10/5 Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet <surc...@debianfr.net>:
> Did you've already tried snmpkey provided with Net::SNMP Perl module ?
> http://search.cpan.org/~dtown/Net-SNMP-5.2.0/snmpkey.PL

Though remember that David's Net::SNMP module is not related to the
Net-SNMP project in any way   (other than the subject matter, obviously!).

So when it talks about using the Net::SNMP session() constructor
(with arguments -privkey or -authkey), this assumes that you are using
the Net::SNMP module.
   The equivalent elements of the  Net-SNMP project perl module
(i.e. SNMP::Session) does not have the same API, and won't recognise
these options.

  But of course, you can use David's module to query a Net-SNMP (or
any other) agent.   That's perfectly valid.


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