I am using net-snmp version 5.5. I am trying to send traps using the net-snmp 
library api's, but I am unsuccessful. But sending the trap using snmptrap 
command is successful with the same credentials. Below are the steps I have 

1. service snmptrapd stop
2. service snmpd stop
3. added the following lines to /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
# VACM configuration entries
rwuser wes
# USM configuration entries
createUser wes MD5 setup_passphrase DES
4. service snmpd start
An entry for user wes was created in the /var/-net-snmp/snmpd.conf of the 
following form :
usmUser 1 3 0x80001f8880654ceb30a484dc4c 0x77657300 0x77657300 NULL 
. 0x12317a58c0ccd9e67374456e228cdb3c . 
0x12317a58c0ccd9e67374456e228cdb3c ""
5. I added the following entry to /var/net-snmp/snmptrapd.conf
createuser -e 0x80001f8880654ceb30a484dc4c wes MD5 setup_passphrase DES
6. /usr/sbin/snmptrapd -f -Lf /tmp/trapLogFile -d
7. snmptrap -v 3 -n "" -a MD5 -A setup_passphrase -l authNoPriv -u wes -e 
0x80001f8880654ceb30a484dc4c localhost 0 coldStart.0
Trap is received.
8. I wrote the following code to send the trap using net-snmp api's :
    netsnmp_session session, *ss;
    netsnmp_pdu *pdu;

    oid anOID[MAX_OID_LEN];
    size_t anOID_len;

    snmp_sess_init( &session );                   /* set up defaults */
    session.peername = strdup("mella.ind.hp.com:162");

    /* set the SNMPv3 user name */
    session.securityName = strdup("wes");
    session.securityNameLen = strlen(session.securityName);
    session.securityEngineIDLen = strlen("0x80001f8880654ceb30a484dc4c");
    session.securityEngineID = (u_char*)malloc(session.securityEngineIDLen);
    session.securityLevel = SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHNOPRIV;

    /* set the authentication method to MD5 */
    session.securityAuthProto = usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol;
    session.securityAuthProtoLen = sizeof(usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol)/sizeof(oid);
    session.securityAuthKeyLen = USM_AUTH_KU_LEN;

    /* set the authentication key to a MD5 hashed version of our
       passphrase "The Net-SNMP Demo Password" (which must be at least 8
       characters long) */
    if (generate_Ku(session.securityAuthProto,
                    (u_char *) our_v3_passphrase, strlen(our_v3_passphrase),
                    &session.securityAuthKeyLen) != SNMPERR_SUCCESS) {
                 "Error generating Ku from authentication pass phrase. \n");

    ss = snmp_open(&session);                     /* establish the session */

    if (!ss) {
      snmp_sess_perror("ack", &session);

     * Create the PDU for the data for our request.
     *   1) We're going to TRAP the system.sysDescr.0 node.
    pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_TRAP2);
    anOID_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
    if (!snmp_parse_oid(".", anOID, &anOID_len)) {

    status = snmp_send(ss, pdu);

9. I get the following error in the logfile : 
snmp_parse: snmp_parse: Parsed SNMPv3 message (secName:wes, 
secLevel:authNoPriv): USM unknown security name (no such user exists)
Parsed SNMPv3 message (secName:wes, secLevel:authNoPriv): USM unknown security 
name (no such user exists)

10. I debugged net-snmp I saw that the engine id stored in snmpusm.c does not 
match with the request engineid.The comparison of the engine id at line 
snmpusm.c:3011 fails. Dump from gdb as below :
(gdb) p engineID
$11 = (u_char *) 0x9f765b8 "0x80001f8880654ceb30a484dc4c"
(gdb) p engineIDLen
$12 = 28
(gdb) p ptr->engineIDLen
$13 = 13
(gdb) p ptr->engineID
$14 = (u_char *) 0x9f8b698 "\200"

Am I missing something. Can somebody help me.

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