On 14 March 2011 21:05, Scott Baker <bak...@canbytel.com> wrote:
> >From what I can tell it's sending six OIDs in that trap? Can I catch any
> of them, or does it have to be a specific one (first/last?).

The varbind list of an SNMPv2 notification will *always* contain the following:

    sysUpTime.0 varbind
    snmpTrapOID.0 varbind

as the first two entried,  followed by the list of varbind specified in
the MIB definition for that trap.
   (and possibly by additional varbind added by the notification sender).

The "traphandle" directive is matched against the value of the second
varbind - snmpTrapOID.0,  which indicates which trap has been received.

> I have my snmptrapd.conf configured as follows:
> traphandle BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerState                  /tmp/handler.pl

In the trap you listed, you should be matching against


> Can I capture ANY trap that's sent that starts with BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerState

 BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerState is one of the payload varbinds of the trap.
It's not the OID used for identifying the trap itself.


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