On 11 July 2011 18:50, Joan Landry <joan.lan...@overturenetworks.com> wrote:
> I would like to use v3 traps instead of informs
> How do I get the snmptrapd to discover the engine id of the trap sender?

You can't - there's no concept of engine discovery in this scenario.

>  I do not want to specify the engine id of each station that is
> sending traps to my trap receiver in my snmptrapd.conf file.

This is where the -e option comes into play.
Rather than configuring your trap receiver with the engineID of
every single trap sender - you can simply lie.
  Configure the trap receiver with a single, fixed engine ID,
and then specify this engine ID as part of the "trapsess" entry
in each snmpd.conf file.

That way everyone is agreed on the engineID to use - even if
it's not strictly the "correct" one.


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