On 15 September 2011 13:24,  <ramon.padi...@selex-comms.com> wrote:
> Are you saying that the agent, under certain conditions on receipt of a
> GETNEXT request, can invoke a call on my handler with a mode indicating get
> (rather than getnext)?

In order to answer this properly, I'll have to explain a bit about the
of the agent framework.

When the basic agent receives a GetNext request,  it looks up the OID(s)
and passes this request (as a GetNext) to the appropriate handler chain(s).

Note that I said "handler chain" rather than simply "handler" - that's

As far as the agent is concerned, this is a GetNext request, so is being
handled as such.

If the handler was registered using "netsnmp_register_handler",  then this
chain would simply consist of the MIB handler routine itself  (and
nothing else).
So the handler would indeed receive a GetNext request.

But in the vast majority of cases,  the handler is not registered
directly - instead
the initialisation routine uses a different call  (netsnmp_register_scalar,
netsnmp_register_table_data_set, netsnmp_register_table_iterator,   etc)
   Such "helpers" will set up a series of handlers, each dealing with some of
the donkey-work of processing the request.   So the scalar object helper can
deal with checking whether the request is for the (sole) valid instance,
and reject anything else.   The core table helper looks after extracting the
index values from the OID, and making them available to other more specialised
table helpers (as well as the final MIB-specific handler).   The iterator helper
looks after searching the list of valid rows to determine the correct one.
And so on.

Now *some* of these helpers have enough information to determine which is
the "lexicographically next" OID following the requested one, so can
adjust the request accordingly (updating the OID and index values).
  This effectively turns a GETNEXT request into an equivalent GET request.
The MIB-specific handler can therefore ignore all the GetNext complications,
and treat everything as an exact request  (GET/SET).

Other helpers (e.g. raw table) don't have this information, so pass the
GetNext request down to the MIB-specific handler unchanged.
In which case that handler must deal with all of this itself.

> If so, how do I know what these conditions are so that I can code up my
> handler accordingly?

The basic question is which helpers (if any) you are using.
Most of the mib2c templates use one of these "knowledgeable" table
helpers, so don't need to worry about GETNEXT.   The template
code that is produced explicitly says this.
   The main exception is probably the raw table template,
which simply handles the OID index parsing, but not much else.

Whether you need to worry about GetNext depends on exactly how your
module is being registered.    Which is one reason why I suggested that
you post the code.


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