Hello All
We are  using net-snmp 5.7.1 and extended the snmp agent with our enterprise 
specific mibs. We have used “ mib2c -c mib2c.iterate.conf” option to generate 
skeleton code for Table objects. Now the tables we are implementing contains 
dynamic data, so as per our implementation, the snmpd fetches current data on 
every time it gets a walk request(after catche time out time ). However it 
takes a long time to fetch the data from third party service (CORBA service in 
our case) and loading it in snmp table. During this it responds back timeout 
for the snmp walk request (Timeout: No Response from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx)
We also tried out using increase cache time out “(define 
XX_PORTGROUPTABLE_TIMEOUT  60 “ to 600) and using option –t in snmp utility 
1.       We would like to know what is the best approach to implement dynamic 
table object in net-snmp? We are re-populating the complete table for snmp walk 
request if the time lag between two successive requests exceeds the cache 
timeout. Is it the right approach ?
2.       Does net-snmp support retry mechanism? i.e. Since in our case it takes 
around 5-10 minutes to populate complete table, is there any way that will keep 
the client session alive instead of responding timeout.  
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