Hi Dave, 

    Thank you again for your time and patience. I know that sometimes I ask all 
the stupid questions but I'm just 22 and I'm still learning.
    Following your advice I've created a new MIB file, starting from 
netSnmpPlaypen, but similar as structure with previous one. When I checked the 
MIB file that I wrote I had only one warning: "current group "netSnmpPrvGroup" 
is not referenced in this module". How can I correct this warning?
    The second thing I have tried to do was to use the framework that 
recommended to me: 

      mib2c -S cache=1  -c mib2c.table_data.conf  netSnmpPrvTable
but I got this errors:

    se of uninitialized value $key in hash element at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/SNMP.pm line 1377, <GEN0> line 274.
Use of uninitialized value $key in hash element at /usr/local/lib/perl5/SNMP.pm 
line 1378, <GEN0> line 274.
Use of uninitialized value in null operation at /usr/local/lib/perl5/SNMP.pm 
line 1377, <GEN0> line 274.
Use of uninitialized value $key in hash element at /usr/local/lib/perl5/SNMP.pm 
line 1377, <GEN0> line 274.
Use of uninitialized value $key in hash element at /usr/local/lib/perl5/SNMP.pm 
line 1380, <GEN0> line 274.
Use of uninitialized value $key in hash element at /usr/local/lib/perl5/SNMP.pm 
line 1377, <GEN0> line 278.
Use of uninitialized value $key in hash element at /usr/local/lib/perl5/SNMP.pm 
line 1380, <GEN0> line 278.
Use of uninitialized value $key in hash element at /usr/local/lib/perl5/SNMP.pm 
line 1377, <GEN0> line 278.
Use of uninitialized value $key in hash element at /usr/local/lib/perl5/SNMP.pm 
line 1380, <GEN0> line 278.
Use of uninitialized value $key in hash element at /usr/local/lib/perl5/SNMP.pm 
line 1377, <GEN0> line 278.
Use of uninitialized value $key in hash element at /usr/local/lib/perl5/SNMP.pm 
line 1380, <GEN0> line 278.

even the snmptranslate -IR -On netSnmpPrvATR  return the correct oid: 

That framework generated 2 files, netSnmpPrvTable.c (and .h) but sincerely I 
have no idea what to modify so I can bind a static value (eg. char[] 
atr="1234") to the variable. So please help me with more indications and code 
examples if you can.

Thank you very much and sorry for buzzing you around
Stefan Magda

-- Top-level infrastructure of the Net-SNMP project enterprise MIB tree

    DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC;

    LAST-UPDATED "200201300000Z"
    ORGANIZATION "www.net-snmp.org"
         "postal:   Wes Hardaker
                    P.O. Box 382
                    Davis CA  95617

          email:    net-snmp-cod...@lists.sourceforge.net"
        "Top-level infrastructure of the Net-SNMP project enterprise MIB tree"
    REVISION     "200201300000Z"
        "First draft"
    ::= { enterprises 8072}

--  Net-SNMP enterprise-specific management objects

netSnmpObjects              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 1}
-- netSnmpExamples             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 2}
netSnmpEnumerations         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 3}
netSnmpModuleIDs            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpEnumerations 1}
netSnmpAgentOIDs            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpEnumerations 2}
netSnmpDomains              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpEnumerations 3}
netSnmpExperimental         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 9999}

-- A subtree specifically designed for private testing purposes.
-- No "public" management objects should ever be defined within this tree.
-- It is provided for private experimentation, prior to transferring a MIB
-- structure to another part of the overall OID tree
netSnmpPlaypen              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpExperimental 9999}


   netSnmpPrivateMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netSnmpPlaypen 1 }

    netSnmpPrvNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX              Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS              current
        DESCRIPTION         "The number of network interfaces (regardless of
                            their current state) present on this system."
        ::= { netSnmpPrivateMib 1 }

    netSnmpPrvTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX              SEQUENCE OF NetSnmpPrvEntry
        MAX-ACCESS              not-accessible
        STATUS              current
        DESCRIPTION         "My table."
        ::= { netSnmpPrivateMib 2 }

    netSnmpPrvEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX              NetSnmpPrvEntry
        MAX-ACCESS              not-accessible
        STATUS              current
        DESCRIPTION         "An interface entry containing objects at the 
                            layer and below for a particular interface."
        INDEX               {
        ::= { netSnmpPrvTable 1 }

   NetSnmpPrvEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

    netSnmpPrvIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX              Integer32 (1..25)
        MAX-ACCESS              not-accessible
        STATUS              current
        DESCRIPTION         "A unique value for each interface. Its value ranges
                            between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The value
                            for each interface must remain constant at least
                            from one re-initialization of the entity's network
                            management system to the next re- initialization."
        ::= { netSnmpPrvEntry 1 }

        SYNTAX                  DisplayString (SIZE(0..255))
        MAX-ACCESS            read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION             "One way delay."
        ::= { netSnmpPrvEntry 2 }

        SYNTAX                  DisplayString (SIZE(0..255))
        MAX-ACCESS            read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION             "Avaible Transfer Rate"
        ::= { netSnmpPrvEntry 3 }



--  Notifications

netSnmpNotificationPrefix   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 4}
netSnmpNotifications        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpNotificationPrefix 0}
netSnmpNotificationObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpNotificationPrefix 1}

--  Conformance
--     (No laughing at the back!)

netSnmpConformance          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmp 5}
netSnmpCompliances          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpConformance 1}
netSnmpGroups               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {netSnmpConformance 2}

netSnmpPrvGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  { netSnmpPrvNumber,
                   netSnmpPrvATR }
        STATUS  current
        DESCRIPTION "Collection of objects"
        ::= {netSnmpGroups 1}

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