I am using net-snmp version (installed with Red Hat REL 5).  My goal is 
to set up a trap receiver that logs all incomming traps to a text file then 
forwards them to a second listener on a high port on the same machine.  The 
second listener is a third-party trap processing tool that does not provide 
in the way of logging so I am trying to correct that.

I have my snmptrapd.conf file set up like this:
      disableAuthorization yes
      forward default udp:25617

I invoke snmprapd using this command:
      /snmptrapd -o /var/log/trapd.log

Incomming traps are from a variety of sources - some are v1 and some are v2c.  
All of them are being properly logged by snmptrapd.

Incomming v1 traps are being forwarded (and received by the third party tool on 
the high port) with no issues.  They look like this in my log file:

2012-10-16 06:22:29 Server4794.domain.com [IP] (via UDP: [IP]:48107) TRAP, 
 SNMP v1, community public
 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.589 Enterprise Specific Trap (3) Uptime: 0:00:00.00
 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.589.14.0.1 = STRING: "OP_FAIL"  
 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.589.14.0.2 = STRING: "neptune"  
 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.589.14.0.3 = STRING: "MIN"      
 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.589.14.0.4 = STRING: " : 

So far so good.

The V2c traps are the problem.  They are logged properly but are generating an 
error message in the snmptrapd log and not getting forwarded.  here is what 
comes into the trapd log for the V2c traps:

2012-10-16 16:19:14 Server22205.domain.com [IP] (via UDP: [IP]:38343) TRAP, 
 SNMP v2c, community public
 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.589 Enterprise Specific Trap (4) Uptime: 0:00:00.00
 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.589 = STRING: "Server22205.SDMPS_cert_001" 
 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.589 = STRING: "MAJ"     
 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.589 = STRING: "Application has entered an unknown 
and processing has been halted by nanny monitor."      

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.589 = STRING: " : :BSS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR:Scheduler 
Factory could not be initialized!!%250a : reserved : Tue Oct 16 16:19:14 2012"
Forward failed: Cannot send V1 PDU on V2 session (/var/agentx/master)

I doubt that I am the only person to encounter this sort of error message while 
trying to forward traps using snmptrapd but I have not been able to find much 
all searching bing, google and the archives of this mailing list.   

Since this is partially working, my guess is that I have something configured 
wrong or not configured at all with snmptrapd to allow both trap types to be 
forwarded by the same receiver.  

Any assittance will be much appreciated!

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