On 4 January 2013 19:59, Vanzant-Hodge, Amy <vanzant-ho...@hp.com> wrote:
> errno 99 “Can assign requested address”
> What does this mean and is there a way to fix this.

It's a bit difficult to comment, given the limited information you
have provided.
Some details as to the environment you are working with, how you are
running the command and/or what triggers this error might be useful.

But a quick Google search for this error seems to indicate that it's probably
related to being unable to open the specified address/port - either because
it's being asked to use an address that isn't possible, or because there are
too many ports open already.

You should be able to check the second by running 'netstat' to look at what
connections are open (or waiting to close).
As for the first - look at the command that is used to start the trap receiver,
and the config files used to configure it - and see if there's anything that
specifies an explicit interface and/or port to listen on.

Failing that, you're going to have to give us a bit more to work with!


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