Am Freitag, 5. Juli 2013, 22:15:12 schrieb Vincent Bernat:
>  ❦  5 juillet 2013 14:44 CEST, Michael Schwartzkopff 
<> :
> > I wanted to program a perl subagent and I copied a sample from
> > 
> >
> > perl/
> > 
> > to my machine. When starting the subagent the output after the
> > registration of the subagent is:
> > 
> > Buffer too small to read octet string (17 < 17)
> > 
> > And my subagent never gets any requests. I compiled the latest 5.7.2 from
> > the repositories on Debian Wheezy.
> Do you have the same problem with 5.4.x shipped with Wheezy?

No. On wheezy (5.4) I had some other problems. that is why I switched to the 
latest 5.7. 

Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
Guardinistr. 63
81375 München

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Fax: (089) 620 304 13
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