I have an Ubuntu box running net-snmp 5.7.1 which I have modified to support 
ecdsa and sha384.  I have an embedded application running net-snmp 
which has had the same modification performed and openssl-1.0.1.  The Ubuntu 
net-snmp is configured with the joe-cool certificates from the net-snmp tls 
tutorial.  The embedded net-snmp has a self-signed cert of type 

At a terminal window on the Ubuntu machine, I enter the following commands:

net-snmp-cert -t remote import remote.crt

snmpget -u rco -l authPriv -x AES -X 'asdASD12!@' -a SHA -A 'asdASD12!@' -T 
our_identity=tutorial-joecool -T their_identity=remote -t 10 tls: 

Wireshark has been used to analyze the message exchange.  It has been 
configured with the private keys for both entities.  It shows the following 
message exchange (tcp acks removed):

Ubuntu send Client Hello

Embedded sends Server Hello, Certificate, Certificate Request, Server Hello Done

Ubuntu sends Certificate, Client Key Exchange

Ubuntu sends Certificate Verify, Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message

Embedded sends New Session Ticket, Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake

Ubuntu sends Application Data

Embedded sends Encrypted Alert with code 21 (Decryption Failed)

Ubuntu sends Encrypted Alert with code 21 (Decryption Failed)

I am trying to track down the cause of the Encrypted Alert message.  In reading 
the RFCs I expected to see a Server Key Exchange message but it seems to be 

Any thoughts/suggestions on the direction I should take for tracking this down 
will be greatly appreciated.

Thomas Stone

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