By network devices I mean small nework devices based on embedded Linux system, 
such as cable modems, eMTA, set-top boxes, smart TVs.

----- Original Message -----
From: Robson, Alan
Sent: 04/11/14 01:57 AM
To: Alex,
Subject: RE: SNMP Protocol

The Management Information Base (MIB) will be hard coded into the program 
running on the network device (The SNMP agent). This SNMP agent can use any 
technique it likes to store its information (for example, my snmp agent stores 
all its information in mysql).
A file describing the MIB (generally known as MIB files) for particular systems 
may be available on the internet, that would be common for the major vendors 
like Cisco for example, many of their mib files are available for free download 
from Also, many snmp agents support standard mibs defined in the 
RFCs for things like interface statistics, uptime etc.
Some SNMP agents (like net-snmp) can be extended with subagents. The original 
agent responds to common requests like uptime, system name, IP addresses etc. 
and custom subagents are created to add additional information. If your network 
device is equivalent to a PC running net-snmp snmpd then it may be possible to 
add information to the MIB on the machine, either by putting configuration into 
snmpd.conf or by writing your own subagent. When you say network device though, 
it makes me think you are talking about a system that you cannot easily add 
your own software to.
From: Alex []
 *Sent:* Thursday, April 10, 2014 1:23 PM
 *Subject:* Re: SNMP Protocol

Thank you for input.
I don't understand. I've read specification RFC 2741 and RFC 1157, not full 
though, just important moments. My understanding is that SNMP is protocol, SNMP 
agent is plain daemon that run on the background, and MIB files is a sort of 
centralized database, where agent sends a request. Therefore MIB database must 
be installed somewhere. If MIB files is not installed, where SNMP agent will 
take information about OID values?
Well, suppose it depends on application and network device. Where the MIB files 
resides on cable modem or set-top box, for example? Is it hard-coded into their 
program code or they are located on a management station? If its hard-coded 
inside program code, then to add a new MIB file requires replacement of the 
entire software, if its on management station, then we just need add new MIB to 
database which is more easy?


----- Original Message -----
From: Joel Hansell
Sent: 04/10/14 06:37 PM
Subject: Re: SNMP Protocol

Dear Anonymous,

In principle, the MIB files don't have to be installed anywhere. They are only 
a specification. The describe which objects are available on the agent, and 
which notifications the agent may send.
Some SNMP managers let the user "load" MIB files, in order to better present 
the data fetched from the agents. But this is not mandatory.

Some SNMP agents let the user "load" MIB files, to alter structure of the data 
which is published, but this is more unusual. Many SNMP agents in industrial 
use have the MIB structure hard-coded into their program code.
I'm sure such an answer will lead to more questions, please go ahead. :-)
Joel Hansell

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 4:25 PM, < > wrote:
question about SNMP Protocol: where is installed MIB files (vendor-specific): 
on the Network management station (NMS) or on the network devices (network 

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