Dear All

Recently I’m trying to follow the tutorial to write a MIB module by my self.
I’m using: Linux  3.13.0-24-generic, #46-Ubuntu SMP,  x86_64 GNU/Linux.

I did exactly as shown in the tutorial, but doesn’t work, also the adding 
subagent doesn’t work too.
When I compiled net-snmp and on OS X 10.9.3, it gives me the 
mibII/tcp.c:340:21: error: use of undeclared identifier ‘TCPTV_MIN'
ret_value = TCPTV_MIN / PR_SLOWHZ * 1000;
mibII/tcp.c:348:21: error: use of undeclared identifier ‘TCPTV_REXMTMAX'
 ret_value = TCPTV_REXMTMAX / PR_SLOWHZ * 1000; ^ 2 errors generated.

Here are the commends I used and some details:

./configure --with-default-snmp-version="3" --with-sys-contact="@@no.where" 
--with-sys-location="Unknown" --with-logfile="/var/log/snmpd.log" 

after configuration: part of the ./configure output

checking for and configuring mib modules to use...  nstAgentModuleObject 
 nstAgentModuleObject default_modules snmpv3mibs mibII ucd_snmp notification 
notification-log-mib target agent_mibs agentx dism

and after all:

            Net-SNMP configuration summary:

  SNMP Versions Supported:    1 2c 3
  Building for:               linux
  Net-SNMP Version: 
  Network transport support:  Callback Unix Alias TCP UDP IPv4Base SocketBase 
  SNMPv3 Security Modules:     usm
  Agent MIB code:             nstAgentModuleObject default_modules =>  
snmpv3mibs mibII ucd_snmp notification notification-log-mib target agent_mibs 
agentx disman/event disman/schedule utilities host
  MYSQL Trap Logging:         unavailable
  Embedded Perl support:      enabled
  SNMP Perl modules:          building -- embeddable
  SNMP Python modules:        disabled
  Crypto support from:        internal
  Authentication support:     MD5 SHA1
  Encryption support:         DES AES
  Local DNSSEC validation:    disabled

I used nm to check whether the function has been compiled into the library.

akamai@JNdev:~/Workspace/net-snmp-$ nm | grep init_nst
00000000000331c0 T init_nstAgentModuleObject

Can someone help me figure this out?
Thank you

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