Net-snmp-5.5-1.x86.exe for Win32

I need set IP addreess in HEX format, separated by whitespace, using NET-SNMP 
set command. 
For example, an IP address converted to Hex format is 0xC0A86464 > 0xC0A86464

The correctly set value should return the following value when check with 

xxx-xxx-xxx-MIB::docsDevServerAddress.0 = Hex-STRING: C0 A8 64 64

I tried
snmpset -v 1 -c private docsDevServerAddress.0 x 0xC0 A8 64 64

But when I using this format to set HEX address, I always got errors like this: 
'A8: Bad object type: 6', or '00xA8 Bad object type: 0', and so on, depending 
on representation of hex format I tried.
According to NET-SNMP manual, 'x' is octet string in hex bytes, separated by 

What is correct input format for SNMPSET to set Hex values I need?

Best Regards,

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