Any update on the behaviour ?

Thank you
Krishna Vivek

From: Krishna Vivek Vitta
Sent: 23 April 2019 11:43
Subject: Help required for "snmpwalk: Authentication failure "

Hi expert,

We have a case where snmpwalk fails after snmpv3 user is added to trap 
destination. Net-SNMP version being used is 5.5 on FreeBSD setup

We start with a configured user for SNMPv3. We used SHA1 and AES for the auth 
and privacy protocols:
add snmpuser name=test auth_password=testtest privacy_password=testtest 
auth_protocol=SHA1 privacy_protocol=AES view_name=SNMP-View 
add snmpview name=SNMP-View subtree= type=Include

The above steps:
Adds a createUser directive in /var/mps/netsnmp/snmpd.conf and restarts snmpd
1.      SNMPD replaces the createUser directive with a usmUser directive in 
persistent conf

All this is normal. The configuration in the persistent snmpd.conf is correct. 
This is our test entry:

bash-3.2# fgrep 0x4e65747363616c657200 /var/mps/netsnmp/snmpd.conf
usmUser 1 3 0x80001f88809c0a3f394b485c5600000000 0x4e65747363616c657200 
0x4e65747363616c657200 NULL . 
0x06be7a79a8108ccde730455187973c0719b3e460 . 
0x06be7a79a8108ccde730455187973c07 ""

bash-3.2# gdb /usr/sbin/snmpd -p `cat /var/run/` --batch 
--command=/root/print_users.gdb | awk '/test/,/privKey:/'

name: 0x801c6fac0:       "test"

secName: 0x801c6fad0:    "test"

authProtocol: .             << This means SHA1

privProtocol: .             << This means AES

authKey: 0x6be7a79a8108ccd 0xe730455187973c07 0x19b3e46000000000

privKey: 0x6be7a79a8108ccd 0xe730455187973c07

And of course the queries work:

vyos@vyos:~$ snmpwalk - -v3 -l authPriv -u Netscaler -a SHA -A 'testtest' -x 
AES -X 'testtest'

SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: FreeBSD nssdx-mgmt 8.4-NETSCALER-12.0 FreeBSD 
8.4-NETSCALER-12.0 #0: Wed Sep 12 06:47:55 PDT 2018     

Then I add an snmptrap destination that uses this user:

add snmptrap dest_server= user_name=test dest_port=162 version=v3

 And the queries fail with authentication failure:

 vyos@vyos:~$ snmpwalk - -v3 -l authPriv -u Netscaler -a SHA -A 'testtest' -x 
AES -X 'testtest'

snmpwalk: Authentication failure (incorrect password, community or key)

This time although the configuration is the same, snmpd internally has set the 
wrong protocols:

bash-3.2# fgrep 0x4e65747363616c657200 /var/mps/netsnmp/snmpd.conf

usmUser 1 3 0x80001f88809c0a3f394b485c5600000000 0x4e65747363616c657200 
0x4e65747363616c657200 NULL . 
. 0x

bash-3.2# gdb /usr/sbin/snmpd -p `cat /var/run/` --batch 
--command=/root/print_users.gdb | awk '/Netscaler/,/privKey:/'

name: 0x801c6fac0:       "test"

secName: 0x801c6fad0:    "test"

authProtocol: .             << This means MD5

privProtocol: .             << This means DES

authKey: 0x6be7a79a8108ccd 0xe730455187973c07 0x19b3e46000000000

privKey: 0x6be7a79a8108ccd 0xe730455187973c07

Kindly provide assistance in resolving the case.

Thank you
Krishna Vivek

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