On 7/2/19 1:52 PM, Cathal McGlone wrote:
hi Bart

I have just built Net-SNMP using MinGW with MSyS environment using the following configure options:
./configure --prefix="$BASEDIR" \
  --with-mibdirs="$BASEDIR/share/snmp/mibs" \
 --with-mib-modules="agentx disman/event-mib winExtDLL examples/example"\
        --disable-embedded-perl --without-perl-modules \
 2>&1 | tee configure_1july19.log

After make install completes I get the following folders in c:\usr:
The bin folder contains mib2c and mib2c-update files but no mib2c executable or batch file?

Hi Cathal,

Have you had a look at the mib2c file? If it starts with something like #!/usr/bin/perl that means that it is a Perl program that can be run and that there is no need for mib2c.exe or so.


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