Hi All,

I have I think a very basic question. I've been chasing around on this for a couple of days.

I am setting up a custom monitor command in snmpd.conf. As long as I supply numeric OIDs, it works fine. However, if I supply a name in place of the OID, from an MIB file that resolves just fine with snmptranslate, snmpd throws a configuration error saying it can't find the OID. I can see in the -Dread_config output of snmpd that it is seeing and loading my custom MIB file, and obviously snmptranslate is seeing it as well.

The question is this. Should I be able to do this, or does the mib2c command get involved and I have to set up the .h and .c files in agent/mibgroup? I'm really hoping creating the .c file isn't required and that I just have some other minor mis-configuration.

After spending a couple days reading and playing with it, I just was hoping for some confirmation from the group.


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