I am using 5.8.r0 net-snmp.

I have build the net-snmp library and snmpd with the flags for TSM:

*--with-security-modules=tsm --with-transports=TLSTCP,DTLSUDP*

*and--with-mibs=SNMP-TSM-MIB:<and some others>*

I can get the snmpd daemon running with self signed cert access working.
Installed the TSM Mib in the /etc/snmp/mibs directory

Added this the snmpd.conf file:

[snmp] mibs +SNMP-TSM-MIB

translate works:
bash-4.3# ./snmptranslate -m +SNMP-TSM-MIB -IR -On

I was trying to do a get on the snmpTsmConfigruationUsePrefix.
It failing:
bash-4.3# ./snmpget -d -v 2c -c public .

Sending 45 bytes to UDP: []:161->[]:0
0000: 30 2B 02 01  01 04 06 70  75 62 6C 69  63 A0 1E 02    0+.....public...
0016: 04 40 7C FC  31 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  10 30 0E 06    .@|.1......0.0..
0032: 0A 2B 06 01  02 01 81 3E  01 02 01 05  00             .+.....>.....

Received 45 byte packet from UDP: []:161->[]:60013
0000: 30 2B 02 01  01 04 06 70  75 62 6C 69  63 A2 1E 02    0+.....public...
0016: 04 40 7C FC  31 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  10 30 0E 06    .@|.1......0.0..
0032: 0A 2B 06 01  02 01 81 3E  01 02 01 80  00             .+.....>.....

SNMP-TSM-MIB::snmpTsmConfigurationUsePrefix = No Such Object available on
this agent at this OID

I was expecting the snmpd to respond to the gets for the TSM Mib.
Is there something else that I need to do to get the snmpd to respond to
this MIB?

Thanks for any help
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