On Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 2:56 PM Raz Moshe <razabc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Assuming I have no community string configured (and so cannot use
> 'snmpwalk' and other similar binaries), when I turn the snmp daemon on, is
> there a way to determine it has done initialization and ready for queries?
> I found that checking if the log file exists gives a good indication (if
> it was created already, snmpd is ready), but then there's a problem when I
> turn snmpd on, off and then on again. Since the log file isn't deleted when
> snmpd is turned off, it's gonna be there in the second time even before I
> turn snmpd on.
> A short sleep() after turning snmpd on can do the trick, but obviously
> that's a bad practice.
> Anything else I can do to get a good indication?

See if it's actually running?

$ pidof snmpd && echo running

See if there's anything listening on the standard port?

$ nmap localhost -p161 | grep -q open && echo running

That said, what use is the daemon running "for queries" if there's no users
configured that can actually perform queries?
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