I have an embedded system running Debian 10 with snmpd v5.7.3.

I am using an agentX sub-agent to send traps to a client (send_v2trap).

My /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf contains one trap sink: 

    trap2sink public

Roughly every 30 seconds, the agent is waking up and sending a couple of traps.

The problem is that when the sub-agent is restarted, and roughly every other 
30-sec cycles, it duplicates the traps exactly one second after the original.

My test client/manager receiving the traps is the iReasoning MIB Browser.

I've played with the "agentXretries/agentxretries" and 
"agentXTimeout/agentxTimeout" settings, but they seem to have no effect.

I've seen references in the forums related to double traps when using agentx 
sub-agents, but I haven't found any resolution.

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