
I'm sceptical about it too. For one thing paying for medical care is still private medicine, even if the payment in question is made via a new type of e-currency. But it's also unclear from the article exactly how much the blockchain will be involved in medical record-keeping - is the patient's medical record in its entirety actually going to be inscribed on the blockchain, or is the blockchain just going to act as a ledger of how many times the record was accessed and updated, and by whom? I suspect the latter, because the former would probably make for painfully slow response-times; but I've looked at the Medicalchain website and their 'Whitepaper', and I'm still not clear.

They seem to be trying to position their blockchain-authenticated version of the medical record as an alternative to the prevailing 'paternalistic' model, where although patients are nominally entitled to full access to their own records and a right to veto other people accessing them, in practice those records are kept and updated by other people (the GP, the hospitals, out-of-hours services etc.) and other people (notably the Department of Health) access them willy-nilly without any patient consent. Medicalchain that under their model, the patients will have complete control over their own notes, and nobody else will be able to access them (or update them) without the patient's consent.

Concerns about other people accessing your medical notes without your knowledge or consent are legitimate. About four years ago NHS England launched a project called Care.Data which basically siphoned off an immense amount of data from the patient notes held in doctors' surgeries, linked it to data held about the same patients in hospitals, 'anonymised' it, and then offered offered it to other agencies for 'research purposes'. The other agencies might include people like insurance companies, from whom NHS England hope to make considerable amounts of money in the shape of fees for granting access to the data. And the data wasn't as 'anonymised' as NHS England claimed, because it soon emerged that if a patient had something like a rare disease or a rare blood group, he/she could be quite easily identified from the data being offered. Originally NHS England were going to run this whole scheme without letting anybody know about it; then, at the last moment, they decided to pass the responsibility for letting people know about it to GPs, who were completely unprepared; then the Information Commissioner's Office found out what was going on, and told NHS England they'd got to take responsibility for informing people about the scheme themselves; then the papers got hold of it; and within a couple of months the scheme was closed down. But not before it had been demonstrated how blithely the Dept of Health is prepared to ignore patient confidentiality if it suits its own purposes. And even though Care.Data has been stopped, there are still numerous data-extractions from the various 'silos' of electronic patient records taking place every day, for one reason or another, usually without the patients knowing anything about them - a lot of them, it must be said, for entirely creditable purposes like research into diabetes and cancer.

But I'm not sure that patients having control of their own notes is the answer. Most patients don't like having adverse information about themselves placed on record. There are enough cases of people with diabetes who refuse to acknowledge that they're really diabetic, or people who used to smoke who adamantly deny that they ever touched a cigarette, not to mention people who drink well over the recommended limits but insist that they stay well inside them, etc. But the real problem comes if you're dealing with people with a history of drug abuse, violent behaviour, child abuse, psychosis and so forth. Actually you need to share the medical record between patients and their clinicians in some way, so that patients have access to their records and can query inaccuracies, but on the other hand grant permission to the clinician to record accurate information, even if that information is something they'd prefer not to be on there.

But leaving the ethics of the system on one side, most of these things come down to questions of how efficiently the software works in practice. How quick and easy-to-use will this blockchain system be for patients and doctors? How easily will its architecture allow it to communicate with other computer systems, or to take on board things like scanned documents or blood test results, or to produce things like prescriptions or requests for x-rays? At this stage it all remains to be seen.


On 03/06/18 19:56, Alan Sondheim wrote:

Hi, read about this as well as the comments which are somewhat skeptical - I'm curious what your opinion is?

Thanks, Alan

On Sun, 3 Jun 2018, Edward Picot via NetBehaviour wrote:

A new telemedicine platform utilising blockchain technology will be trialled
with patients in south-west London next month...

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