
welcome to amerikkka


Should have stopped them before. Deal with it. Mexico should
have stopped them from crossing their own border..but this is
what you get for your weakness. BWAHAHA. Now let's see how
Mexico likes being scrutinized like Trump is. Common
Hondurans!!! Fix your own country. Wheres your pride ? If they
attack border, they will be shot. Attack and die. All Mexico has
to do is round them up and deport them back home..problem solved
NBC where is your coverage of the Mexican man the Murdered four
people including a cop in Chicago? WHERE? Oh that's right it
wasn't a white man, Never mind!!! Start sending them back Mexico
helped get them to the us border These people are very
stupid.....they have no common sense! stop helping them and
they'll go back home. Time to use those chevrolegs to get back
home First asylum, next welfare, if they can come together for
something like this, they should be able to make a change in
their own country. Conditions in Tijuana are worse than in
Honduras! Time to go back!! USA is CLOSED They are not migrants
they are illegal immigrants by federal and international
defenition and don't meet asylum requirements Since the Earth is
flat, why don't they just walk to the edge and take one huge
step!!!! I just think its funny that these invaders actually
have demands If they are dared to let into our country they will
turn it into a cesspool sewer just like they're doing now in


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