I really appreciate these replies; I've been reading and watching far too
much rhetoric. The BBC, for us, is nothing like Fox news; at least in their
reportage on U.S. affair, BBC Int'l is the best televised source we have.
And I do a lot of news watching. The replies you sent explain a lot; the
surface - what we're seeing here in Parliament (where there are long
broadcasts on BBC) is constant innuendo and repetition, almost magical
repetition, as if doing so would make it so; the interviews are often with
splinter groups which just confuse the thing. The dates confuse the thing.
I love Britain, not saying this lightly, and one of the odd things for me
(and Azure) is the intelligence of all the noise - it's so much more
intelligent than the noise here in the U.S. which so often amounts to
hatred, anti-intellectualism, religion, and bullying. And this isn't just
minority behavior - it's increasingly dominating. As a Jew, I can say we're
dragged into it with the Jewish/Israel craziness - over and over again the
news has to insist that all Jews don't support Israel - but the repetition
serves otherwise. It's a real problem for the Democrats at this point...
(For myself, the last time I was in Israel was a half century ago and I was
horrified at that point w/ what was going on, on all sides, and swore never
to return; if anything, I sided with the Arab population.) It's a
frightening time... Apologies for going on so long and it's late here; we
have a guest and have been working on writing tonight.

Thank you!, Alan

On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 2:37 PM Edward Picot via NetBehaviour <
netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:

> Both parties are paralysed by the fact that amongst their grassroots
> membership are big numbers who voted "leave", for whatever reasons, and who
> would be infuriated and feel betrayed if there was another referendum:
> they'd see it as the metropolitan intelligentsia and the upper middle
> classes refusing to accept the outcome of the first referendum, because it
> didn't go the way they wanted. The equivalent, in other words, of
> dissolving the people and electing another.
> Of course it's not that simple. The "leave" campaign was a tissue of
> atrocious lies and covert appeals to things like patriotism and racism. It
> was the old outvoting the young, and the have-nots outvoting the haves. It
> was about fear of outsiders, but it also expressed a revulsion against
> established politics and big faceless organisations of any description. It
> gave people a chance to kick out, and they took it. It sold them an
> illusion of taking "back" control of their own lives and destinies, as if
> they'd ever really had that control in the first place.
> At the moment I'm not at all sure whether we're going to end up with
> another referendum or a no-deal scenario. There's a small but powerful
> group of hard-liners, especially right-wing hard-liners in the Tory party,
> who regard "crashing out" as the best possible outcome, and who are trying
> to scupper everything else so that the no-deal scenario comes into being by
> default. It's a bit scary.
> I'm no fan of Europe - I agree with what Julian says about the European
> Commission. But the big questions with which we should be grappling are
> about the environment, and from that point of view I think we need a united
> Europe rather than a divided one. The worst thing about this whole Brexit
> mess is that it's distracting us from the things we really ought to be
> focussed on, and at the same time it's demonstrating more and more clearly
> how horribly inadequate the Parliamentary system is, as a means of dealing
> with anything that requires a bit of applied intelligence.
> Edward
> On 12/03/2019 17:49, Julian Brooks wrote:
> One take, amongst many no doubt:
> It's a bloody disaster (basically) - economically, culturally,
> psychologically. Any-ology.
> While there's a very strong argument that the European Commission is not
> much more than the lapdog of hypercapital, the European Union is a
> wonderful thing and I am still in shock that we appear to be leaving (&
> maybe even taking this grand experiment down with us).
> Nonetheless there's some heavy politics plating itself out today, and the
> opposition (Labour really) were last week very clear to let the Tories
> destroy themselves, distraction free.
> There's been growing momentum for a final Peoples Vote on either May's
> deal or Remain - this scenario looks likelier by the moment. I would also
> still presume that if an election is called, both Labour and Conservative
> will still call for Brexit.
> This whole shitshow is a way off being resolved IMO - and tbh I don't
> think we can ever go back. Equally, many of our Euro partners are very
> understandably heartily sick of us as a nation. And who can blame them, I
> feel the same.
> My €2 anyhow...
> Julian
> P.S. The BBC is sadly not a news org anymore, they only deal in propaganda
> (think Fox w. Manners:)
> -------- Original Message --------
> On 12 Mar 2019 17:22, Alan Sondheim < sondh...@panix.com> wrote:
> I've been watching Brexit debates in Parliament on and off for months and
> months and have some questions here -
> The main being why another referendum isn't being called. Parliament's in
> a mess; Brexit's already losing money and will lose research and cultural
> possibilities as well. It also seems that the public didn't really
> understand the issues at the time of the referendum - and that most people
> don't understand them now.
> How does this work with DIWO?
> These questions might seem naive, but I'd like to hear what the arts etc.
> communities - what any communities - are thinking about this. How does
> this effect small towns? Women? Cultural exchanges? Are artists involved
> in protesting one way or another? It seems from the outside that a second
> referendum is in order - is there any call for this from cultural
> institutions? Apologies for naivete here; most of the information we get
> from BBC is from parliamentary debates or talking heads on CNN...
> Thanks, Alan
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