Love this! Especially the end. I wish more people would remember Jesus
(Christ??!!!) was a Jew.
Then three's this - NATHAN: I don't know much about God, David, any more
than you do, but I don't think he's generally impressed by melodramatic
displays of self-abasement.
and what's astonishing is the manner in which self-abasement goes hand in
hand w/ furious and brutal power world-wide. O, thinking of sacrifice or
those leaders now, on the verge of being deposed, calling elections illegal
or fraudulent or fake, whatever. As if one couldn't possibly step down, as
if the commons didn't exist, etc. etc. There's something in our primate
skulls that not only seeks power but holds onto it at all cost, no matter
the results. I keep thinking of Syria but I don't have to look any farther
than gerrymandering here or the increased battle against women's rights, or
the rights of people of color, or the rights of people to believe whatever
they want, the rights at this point of just about everyone except straight
white males - and to what end? Who's getting hurt? Rationality has nothing
to do with it. I keep thinking as well of billionaires who never have
enough money, etc. What do they think they need when they get up in the
morning? That they don't have? I know too well how naive these questions
are, but there's something nagging at the core of them. - Alan, mulling
over your text. So much of the OT is just about how most people behave when
they have a few weapons and the chance. Not so different in the NT, but the
tone's different. That was forgot within a century or so. Then we Jews were
caught out. Where I grew up in Wilkes-Barre, PA, they continued to be
caught out in my lifetime. Self-abasement's a wonderful source of power. -

On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 2:56 PM Edward Picot via NetBehaviour <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> 'The Doubter's Mysteries' are an attempt to write a short cycle of
> Mystery Plays - ie. plays based on Bible stories, like the Medieval
> Mystery Plays of York, Chester and Wakefield - from the point of view of
> a sceptical modern audience; an audience which either doesn't believe in
> God, or can't work out what he's playing at.
> There are fourteen of these plays, and the eighth is now online: 'David
> and Bathsheba'.
> (or for the
> full series so far, visit
> Edward Picot (
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