On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 1:42 AM Helen Varley Jamieson <
he...@creative-catalyst.com> wrote:

> just wanted to report some good ecological news: moving the insect hotel
> to the sunnier end of the balcony has had a pretty immediate effect -
> lovely black and dark orange native bees are busy coming in & out of the
> little bamboo tubes & doing their things inside. thanks for the tip, mez!
> :)
Fantastic news!

not so great is the population explosion of aphids on the basil & little
> black fly thingies on the mint & the rucola. hopefully my digital control
> methods (slaughter by finger squishing) & some water spraying will stop
> them from getting out of control until the ladybirds & hoverflies discover
> this new fast-food outlet ...

Fingers crossed it works.


h : )
> --
> helen varley jamieson
> he...@creative-catalyst.com
> http://www.creative-catalyst.com
> http://www.upstage.org.nz
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