The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 61, 62 VIDEO 61 : the clar //written thru migraine scattershot// This is the closeness of your other keep returning to the body which eludes me, the world's full of new gates falling down, always emptying what passed for content in the permian just for a moment, as if there were a terminal, as if this were conceivable, what a voluminosity !Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& my entire life based on "a person's reach is beyond hir grasp" written and gendered well over two thirds of a century ago Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& This is the distance of your new Clar Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& the truth of god is the null set, always already closed.Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& the null set singularity is inadequate; there are always infinitesimals. it gets crowded down there, but it gets crowded everywhere. everywhere is effacement. Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& facement to effacement, ineffable to fable, adequate to inadequate, <> to in<> new and old exhaust me, we are all begging with gaps as if ( < > were the inadequate constitution of the world.Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& < > ( stop turning anywhere towards, the vector is dissolute; to remember the origin is to mythologize chaotic emptiness, corrosive virtuality. Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& to return is to recapitulate what has never arrived, recapitulation is decapitation; headless/tailless, no return, no journey, nothing, least of all no emptiness, nothing replete Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& what is said is dependent first and foremost on the collapsing zone of time, we're always already gone before we've said a word, before there were words, before this ascends into the distributions of failure from which it came descends -Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& before the permian and after, spread singularities, waves of sound, rubbled distributions, collapse, viral expansions, how many called then helplessly, buried in strata, a few from billions, look there, words escaped, breath no longer Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& derailing when there were no rails, deflecting when the vectors, what? chaotic and spread? not even roots, not even spreads Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& who's counting, what basis, what surreal or infinitesimal, what exhaustion, when THIS mind stops working, already gone from this text, they hardly remember Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT &&&& 62 : the elim of "A" Indequte of "A" philosophicl testThe in l testment dequ ment te, se. Tht there wI used to think the world is t there ws world, word ll th s world, word t c embodied. replete, fecund. ontology. informtion everywhere embodied. replete, fecund. ontology. inform tion everywhere mong world. tion everywhere mong world. mong world. nd disintegrtion of mind interfere with tion of mind interfere with tion of mind interfere with ny imminent ny imminent ny imminent It seems rupture ssessment. now, whrries little me rries little mening, f ning, fr too fluid, ssessment. now, wh r too fluid, t ontology c re strems prticles their decompositions. ms prticles their decompositions. immense for gener rticles their decompositions. lities. lities them. itself suspect. hrdening objects simulrdening objects simul rdening objects simulcrum. crum. crum. common orgnisms, projections negorg nisms, projections negtions occur. As if they occurred within or nisms, projections neg tions occur. As if they occurred within or tions occur. As if they occurred within or rs flsely y gener lsely s ted from within. tenuous s ppe ppering. no replst ring. no replcements replsis. these livings l cements replcements. bels dis cements. ppe dy disppelw red. which open lre bstrct-phenomenologicrly divided MAP, m ct-phenomenologicl teri l l- tifictions, interreltions, interrel tions, interreltionships. considered nothing more tionships. considered nothing more tionships. considered nothing more ontologies, str ry. Now lngungu nguge, ge, ge, existences ontologies. So much seemed unnecess nguging nor simulrticip crum just removes prticipl rticipnt step beyond its ngu nt step beyond its ging nor simul dequte were orgcy. Alw te were orgnic, orgys re nic, orgnism ch, in nism dequ te horizon. Nothing fundmentsing mentl, blooming buzzing n l, blooming buzzing dequ se-lods wrong question, solution. substrconfusing lies ds wrong question, solution. substrte. t he te. rt c ch. thought lngudeflection in ge. Philosophy resides rubble cy re wlks produces, ftegory. f tegory. flling evlks produces, f lling evnescent ilure. f nescent ilure c tions. shdow thoughtlessness body. There cdow thoughtlessness body. There c dow thoughtlessness body. There cse, philosophy se, philosophy se, philosophy deline ilure, redy. Open sets dimensions rdy. Open sets dimensions r dy. Open sets dimensions rgged edges, words written gged edges, words written gged edges, words written f ther, touching nything becuse nything becuse lettered p use rticles, inhering word. Or r ilures mteriches, r l, roque interconnections f ct, phenomenologicl, which, even now this one thinks, schemes l, which, even now this one thinks, schemes l, which, even now this one thinks, schemes ctl best, chl best, ch l best, chotic better, murmur, then stillness, out otic better, murmur, then stillness, out otic better, murmur, then stillness, out processes, fr reching, indequ cy, sets, open. gesture thrown. phorism succeeds re phorism succeeds ching, in il sense proper nmes. New cextent it f mes. New ctegories ils. f tegories ils beckon. f chble, untowrted, forgotten, ble, untowrd. Rewritten bsent. f rd. Rewritten iled, unre . chor ste ste stem, diffused unfulfillment thirst hunger. m, diffused unfulfillment thirst hunger. m, diffused unfulfillment thirst hunger. spilled chor spble. beckons ctegory unn ble. beckons ctegories. diffuse, me tegories. diffuse, ble. ungr pse copul identifictegoric identifictions. We be l. gr tions. We be sp. diffuse coll us denuded forests, medows, ocecross tow dows, ocens, rds pl ns, te deserts. brutlity broken philosophies. copuldeserts. brut lity broken philosophies. copul. ontology: k-not lity broken philosophies. copul . ontology: k-not . ontology: k-not te. epistemology: k-not. of: possession. mw. it's definble, w. it's definble, in ble, dequ immersive. immersive, left behind fossils trnsit. trce nsit. trce defin ce ble qu nnihiltion. tr tion. nnihilce, fossil. tendency fr nnihiltion ctured fossil, tion nnihil bsence. lost; preserved gp sutured by rubble; decoheres virtue gp sutured by rubble; decoheres virtue g p sutured by rubble; decoheres virtue gp. p. p. dio. upwelling noise exhustion spred power; ustion spred power; coherer spectr d power; l r cses scffolds. whoever underst ffolds. whoever understnds recognizes neither tht. neti neti, nds recognizes neither tht. neti neti, c t. neti neti, ses sc lculble. poverty destroyed All us immersed ble. poverty destroyed All us immersed ble. poverty destroyed All us immersed ll-this for-us. ll-this for-us. ll-this for-us. Among inc ble, irretrievble, non-existent. Non-existent non-other. ble, non-existent. Non-existent non-other. ble, non-existent. Non-existent non-other. Inc ble, non-existent, ldders, lp, spectr dders, lck, l, inc ck, lcul chlessness, - Our copul, our couplings, being uncoupled, uncoupling chlessness, - Our copul , our couplings, being uncoupled, uncoupling , our couplings, being uncoupled, uncoupling cr possessions, misunderst possessions, misunderst possessions, misunderstnd. nd. nd. being, simul +++ full text available at _______________________________________________ NetBehaviour mailing list