Children of Prometheus | Hosted by NeMe Gallery, Cyprus. 11 Oct – 20 Dec 2019.

NeMe and curator Marc Garrett, cofounder and co-Director of Furtherfield have 
the pleasure to invite you to Children of Prometheus. The exhibition, opening 
on Friday, 11 October at 7:30pm at the NeMe Arts Centre, #Limassol, 
investigates the landscape of a rapidly transforming world and how some of 
these shifts inform and affect our immediate environment.

The complex nature of the ancient Greek myth of Prometheus has inspired 
philosophers, authors and artists throughout many centuries and will continue 
to do so because of the powerful contradictions which it embodies which 
reflects the ongoing dualities present in both the human mind and physical 
existence. Acknowledging that the Promethean spirit lives on in the ambitions 
of science and technology, which in many cases defies the limits imposed upon 
humanity by nature, the post-modern Prometheus belongs to an organised world 
focused on the technology of the internet. This rapidly expanding domain, with 
its presumed ethos of democracy belies the technologies of data mining, fake 
data, targeted personalised advertising, etc used by global conglomerates to 
engineer/manipulate people’s perception via media into a state of hyper-real 
urgency by dislocating the individual from physical realities.

Participating artists: Lynn Hershman Leeson, Anna Dumitriu, Carla Gannis, Alan 
Sondheim, Gretta Louw, Joana Moll, Kypros Kyprianou, AOS (Salvatore Iaconesi & 
Oriana Persico), Mary Flanagan, Alexia Achilleos, with with Egor Chemokhonenko, 
Guido Segni, Marinos Koutsomichalis, Marinos Koutsomichalis.

More information can be found on


Marc Garrett

Co-Founder, Co-Director, main editor for Furtherfield. Art, technology & social 
change, since 1996

Furtherfield Gallery & Commons in the park. Finsbury Park, London N4 2NQ

Just finished PhD at Birkbeck University, London. Title -- 'Furthefield: Twenty 
years of Art, Technology & Social Change.

Recent publications:

Artists Re:thinking the Blockchain. Eds, Ruth Catlow, Marc Garrett, Nathan 
Jones, & Sam Skinner. Liverpool Press -

State Machines: Reflections & Actions at the Edge of Digital Citizenship, 
Finance, & Art. Edited by Yiannis Colakides, Marc Garrett, Inte Gloerich. 
Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam 2019

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