Office, Antonioni

in the night, the passenger blew up the misidentification of the
adventure, the rear windows collapsing michelangelo in the north-
west fields, there was eve, there were volcanos, but the dead eyes
of the office windows brutalized the collapse of the world, blown
up with the wrong passenger, directed by the identification of the
woman, now present, now absent.

the stolidity of the windows, their blindness in the too brilliant
light, their exhaustion, the deadwork within, the searing violence
of the sun

nerve center of ccc command control communication, neolibermalism,
and its background of human flesh, traffic, LEDs

Thus it was that his court officers all limited themselves to one
meal a day chaos drives officer to suicide officer to .s chaos was
in to .s road cracking ## bubble ## the circuitry officer road
cracking ## bubble circuitry one's JUNGLE GYM at school. chaos
drives officer to suicide AND Fujitsu) brings it all home: "Escape
the office Without leaving it behind image of male after female," a
classroom or university or office setting. it is an office with a
_modern_ telecommunications system and graduate students office or
that den, that parlor or that vestibule, that _threshold_ tend
balls in grooves & if you slant the rock they roll dependent on the
tilt and depth of cut so they do not fall out, so they are there or
not there anyone can tell they are there or not there bring the
balls back, lower the tilt so they lower the tilt, the balls remain
let ones move from groove to groove later on it will remain for all
time: let ones remain from groove to groove count or capitulate
balls later on, the grooves worn, balls flailing against all
accountancy we must move the tallying later on, museums of grooves,
a few remaining balls, weakened, witness, positionless lift the
grooves from the surface of the rock, breaths of different
exhalations furrowing the air creatures scurrying around the elder
place of tallying office lamps, illuminations, you can hear the
clacking of the balls even on the lower floors

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