Negotiating Space in Culture and Technology. Interview with Ruth Catlow and 
Marc Garrett.

Ruth Catlow and Marc Garrett are the co-founders of furtherfield, an artist-led 
organisation and community platform located in Finsbury Park, North London. 
Furtherfield asks critical questions about art and technology, and addresses 
today’s important questions through exhibitions, labs and debates across many 
platforms and spaces.

In this interview, Ruth and Marc look back on how they started from an online 
community and grew into a multidimensional space for different practices in and 
through technologies and art culture. They highlight the importance of 
communities and public space, and how they reflect their concerns in their 
curatorial practice in today’s techno-political situation. They explain how 
furtherfield is working as a community-driven institution, how formats and 
subjects are developed, how they position themselves in the cultural landscape, 
and how they manage to get funding. Alongside these insights into the inner 
life of furtherfield they provide a detailed discussion about the importance of 
data as a commons, how this discussion is related to historical events, and 
what an informed, critical mindset could achieve for the future of us all.

As well as the video interview, there is also a text transcript that can be 

Interview conducted by Cornelia Sollfrank, September 15, 2018, HeK (House of 
Electronic Arts Basel).
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