reality, petering out

Reality only begins at the point where things peter out.
- Hugo Ball

I'm writing an incontrovertible prognostication assembling my
ability to write at this our of the morning, without thinking about
the misconstruing spelling and prejudical analyses I tend to apply
to my work otherwise. Can I think still through writing, can I
cohere in a sense in a way I haven't been able to before? What is
the value of this in a punctuated and collapsing civilization? Is
the fact I'm writing by type, with eyes closed, making a difference
on a theoretical leve, for example against the phenomena of speech
or lecture, written and talked or otherwise just spoken, relevant
here? Is there an otherwise? Is there more than coalapse? Where am
I working from? Where are we going?

Is there an otherwise?
Do things peter out?

Someone died recently and it was announced that they found the
body of the girl. It was brutal and more than that, but it also
raised an uncomfortable question; does one own one's body?
Because the implication of the "of" might well be possessive,
that one poassesses one's body, and then there are issues of
suicidxe, assisted or not. Is one possessed by one's body? Is
on'es body a sign of possession much as a witch =was assumed at
one point to be possessed by someone or something else? And in
which case there is always already a spearatino between the body
and its possessor, a body with limits, the materiality of a body
in relation to what? To the glue that hl holds body and mind
perhaps together? Or the glue that for that literal littoral
matter holds wholeds the world togther by virtue of or within and
without the body? The compliexity is overhwelming.

Is there another way?
Does that pter out?

the words gather together, mixing syllables, lettes, in ways that
seem to have an underlying structure of their own, no matter what i
tro to say or do. it's this that dominates, short-scircuiting the
semantics of this small world in favor of strict sintactical
operations, where the meaning sloughs off, no matter what. it's
already a descent into madness, where meaning is torn apart,
ignored, lerft as a refugee someehwere out of sight out of mind.
nothing can be done with it, whatever was intended is lost within
the chaos of surface turbulence; the content is that turbulence
itself, there's nothing left of the originary depths. this is the
new world that emerges until it finally dominates, meaning is
absorbed into an material abstraction that could be anywhere,
anytime, sourcless and targetless. what we call death is noting but
this, the emptied parhentheses, the numeric and its vagaries that
remains as an untoward residue for no one to read.

for there is no one to write it,
no one to read it, -
things peter out,

that's where nothing begins


the misconstruing spelling and prejudicial analyses I tend to apply
the misconstruing spelling and prejudical analyses I tend to apply
on a theoretical level, for example against the phenomena of speech
on a theoretical leve, for example against the phenomena of speech
here? Is there an otherwise? Is there more than collapse? Where am
here? Is there an otherwise? Is there more than coalapse? Where am
that one possesses one's body, and then there are issues of
suicide, assisted or not. Is one possessed by one's body? Is
one's body a sign of possession much as a witch =was assumed at
that one poassesses one's body, and then there are issues of
suicidxe, assisted or not. Is one possessed by one's body? Is
on'es body a sign of possession much as a witch =was assumed at
which case there is always already a separating between the body
which case there is always already a spearatino between the body
in relation to what? To the glue that    holds body and mind
in relation to what? To the glue that hl holds body and mind
matter holds         the world 0 by virtue of or within and
without the body? The 0 is 0.
matter holds wholeds the world togther by virtue of or within and
without the body? The compliexity is overhwelming.
Does that 3 out?
Does that pter out?
the words gather together, mixing syllables, 1, in ways that
the words gather together, mixing syllables, lettes, in ways that
tro to say or do. it's this that dominates, short-0 the
semantics of this small world in favor of strict 2
tro to say or do. it's this that dominates, short-scircuiting the
semantics of this small world in favor of strict sintactical
ignored, 0 as a refugee somewhere out of sight out of mind.
ignored, lerft as a refugee someehwere out of sight out of mind.
anytime, 0 and targetless. what we call death is noting but
anytime, sourcless and targetless. what we call death is noting but
this, the emptied parhentheses, the numeric and its vagaries that


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