
Lovely video - it's got a real sense of the relief/euphoria of coming through something difficult and dreaded, and emerging unscathed on the other side, feeling reliberated and full of new ideas; and also this epiphany - that inside the MRI chamber, which you thought was going to be a horrible experience, you actually found yourself seeing things in a new way. Your ruminations about the beeping sounds, repetition without emphasis, and how you could maybe use that as the basis of a musical performance, reminded me oddly of Bob Dylan's 'Chronicles' - there's quite a long section where he muses about different time-signatures and how he could use them, and if I remember rightly he comes to the conclusion that everything ought to be based on 'triplets'.

You're very lucky to have Azure there with you. Even when she's not saying anything she seems to radiate good sense, good humour and reassurance. She needs to watch that growing appetite of hers for shooting the lights, though!


On 02/08/2020 04:07, Alan Sondheim wrote:

Resonance - MRI VIDEO (best with earphones)

Record of a short journey for an MRI, the results, but really
a video about transparency of bodies, internal and external
biomes and their mixtures, anxiety over medical procedures,
invisibility of "the world" and worlds, lockdowns opening up
to universes, what becomes of us has already become of us,
seas of particles, semantic ghosting and ghosts as if there
were solidities in transparencies, edging and hedging,
ledges on the rungs of quantum ladders, supercooling and fear,
moments of wonder and new modes of 1-1.. universal rhythms
always already disappearing just out of sight, out of hearing,
out of each -

On a personal note, this work is an epiphany for me, every
thing revealed, everything hidden rising to the surface, so
many issues of interpretation, deconstruction fading into
disappearance, natural mysticisms of physics and the
physical -- arches of machines, worlds, and spectra --
always ready, already -- and what beauty!


The medical results, all clear --

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